CrazyAra - The neural crazyhouse chess engine

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Technical documentation
Click here for technical details and an in-depth explanation of the techniques behind CrazyAra.

Source code
CrazyAra is free software! The source code is hosted on Github.

CrazyAra started as a semester project for the course "Deep Learning: Methods and Architectures" at the Technical University Darmstadt

Rules of crazyhouse
A brief introduction into crazyhouse can be found at
- The rules of regular chess apply.
- The pieces can get placed onto any unoccupied square, even if this gives check or results in a checkmate.
- Pawns that have been promoted and are again captured will be dropped back to the board as regular pawns.
- To prevent immediate promotion, pawn drops are not allowed on the first and eight rank.
A significantly lower number of games is drawn in crazyhouse compared to 'regular' chess.
Intuitive play-style
As already observed from the Google Alpha Zero chess engines, CrazyAra features a play-style described by players as more intuitive. Previous chess engines made decision based on searching through large numbers of possible moves and selecting the best move found during a predefined period of time (see for example alpha-beta engines

Technical details
We took the results of Google Alpha Zero as an inspiration for our project. A convolutional network was trained in on a dataset of 500.000 games played by humans. The goal of the network was to predict the most likely move played by the human, also called the policy, and the final outcome of the game given the current board position, called the value.
During the game the predictions of the neural network are used in a monte carlo tree search (MCTS) which evaluates possible lines in order to find the best move.
Media coverage
CrazyAra was featured on several news papers, local television and online events. We put together a list of newspaper articles and other related links that feature our chess engine. We received overwhelming interest from the
We would also like to give a special thanks to the well known crazyhouse player and streamer Justin Tan (also known as JannLee

You can view a complete transcription of the match together with JanLees post game annotations at

If you are interested in the engine, you can contact any of CrazyAras creators, reach us at or have a look into the current state of development at the official source code repository at